I can't cope without him

I just cant sleep,everythings goin through my mind,i cant belive whats happened,everythings a why question,and theres no answers,every night i cry,every day.i dont want to go out,i do if i really have to but its a battle,im an emotional wreck,i get so upset over the slightest thing,i cant move forward


It’s too soon to even think about moving forward. I lost the love of my life suddenly in April and still can’t believe what’s happened and how my life changed forever in an instant.
Your emotions are completely relatable and you are not going mad. Please keep posting. Everyone is so kind and supportive and the only people who completely understand.

Sending love and strength x


@24324 hey, so sorry for your loss. Your world has been turned on its axis, so what you’re experiencing is a normal reaction.
As @jody says, keep posting here, draw comfort from others who have and are in your position. Whilst it may seem that life as you know it has ended, it can and will get better. It may be a slow process, but you need to give yourself time and allow yourself this grief.


It is so hard to deal with all these emotions and thoughts. They are all quite normal and they will get easier to manage as time passes.
Reaching out here is a step forward - lots of support and people to share with, we all understand and can offer a friendly ear and a bucketful of compassion.
Sending some strength and hugs to you