I can't do this

You have us here. Always happy to talk to you.

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Thank you x

Thank you for that

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yes we are all here to support …youre not alone big hugs x

I am so sorry you have no family or friends to share your grief with. I hope you do have support.
Its 2am. I cant sleep. I miss Mike so much.
Im dealing with so much financial stress too. His Son has got nasty. My Solicitor i dont feel is friendly so today i need to find a new 1.
Theres just so much to deal with at a time when your brain is mashed.
I hope you are ok xx

Hi there. Sorry to hear of the added stress , I hope you have luck finding a new solicitor, why is the son being nasty? Here if you need to vent. Take good care x

Sorry it’s taken so long to reply. I’ve been really ill. I had health issues anyway so all this made things worse. Starting to come out the otherside now.

My partners son has been horrific! He was there when my partner died. He took his dad’s wallet, keys and phone and went to his mothers leaving my partner alone. He told me that he was getting treatment when in fact he’d died 40 minutes before!

THEN he took his dad’s card to the cash pont and took £250 out and set up online banking and transferred all the money from his dad’s account to his!!

Oh and the bank say we can’t do anything about it because we can’t prove he didn’t give consent. HE’D BEEN DEAD FOR 24 HOUR! How could he??

The final straw was he text me telling me that I wasn’t welcome at the funeral. Luckily my partners brother put his foot down and said I could go and actively encouraged me to take part.

Before you ask. This son is 15!!! Yep just 15! My daughter is 23 and said if it had been the other way round she would never have treated my partner like this! I guess I raised her differently! But a lot has come out about the son since the funeral that puts him in a different light,

I’m doing a bit better now but I’ve had some MASSIVE anger outbursts! I dropped a plate. Simple? You just clear ir up? Nope, I went mad and threw out all my plates and bowls! I tore strips off someone at BT. (Tbf they did kind of deserve it!) Normally I’d have complained but I went mental.

I’ve screamed at him. How dare he leave. He promised he’d be here for Christmas etc. Then I fall apart and just cry.

I’ve never cried as much as I have the last 7 weeks. There are days when I feel like it’s been minutes since he’s gone, then there’s times it feels like years.

SIlly things set me off. If we were apart he’d always call me at night to say good night. But if Handmaids Tale was on I’d tell him not to call until after it finished. So now I end up crying after I’ve watched it because he’s not there to call me.

Part of me wants the pain to stop but part of me doesn’t because it would feel like I’ve accepted he’s gone.

I’ll make more of an effort to come on here now. I think I need it.


Omg o really feel for you. I understand totally re the shock and disappointment with your partners Son. It really does bring out peoples true colours.
My step son came to my house kicking my hate to try and get in to take his Dads electric bike.
Its unimaginable what we have to deal with when something like this happens.
I hope things get easier for us all. In the meantime sending hugs xx

Oh my Goodness, you really have had it bad. That lady is going to be a charmer when he grows up. Thankfully you had someone to support you at the funeral. I can’t believe there are such people in the world. Hope you are feeling better, at least health wise. Grief is like an emotional rollercoaster, it takes you all over the place. I am here if you want to chat. Take care x

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I knew my partner’s ex was a piece of work but I thought his son was better than this!!

What doesn’t help is my partner’s parents think their grandson is an angel and can do no wrong!!! Luckily his brother and sister in law can see through him and they’re supporting me.

They say death brings out the best in families but this has been like something out of EastEnders!!! You couldn’t make it up it’s been that bad!!!

So sorry to hear this,I lost my wife 9 days ago after 24 years of marriage,she was my soul mate,best friend and a wonderful wife,I was her full time carer,I know its very hard because I’m finding hard lonely and quiet,if you ever need to chat contact me anytime I’m here to listen and help,again I’m sorry


So sorry for your loss. My mum was my best friend and I cared for her full time, it is the loss of direction that is so painful too. Best wishes, here if you need to chat

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Same here. If you want to chat I’m about.

Be prepared. Things will get bad. Once the adrenaline of all the hospital appointments and his death wore off everything hit me. I tried to push through and it was the worst thing I could have done. It’s so hard after that’s all your life has been.

Be kind to yourself.

Share on here @Janebee . We are here for each other when no one else is. xxx

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Oh, @Vixxie
So many things you say ring true for me too. The little triggers which spark tears; the strange feeling about time - sometimes feeling as if he’s been gone for ever and sometimes not believing it can be almost 8 months; finding it difficult if I DON’T cry as much as when I do.
The comforting thing is that this is all NORMAL.
Sending you love. xxx

Thank heavens you had someone on your side @Vixxie .
I am lucky that I don’t have those added complications as it was first marriage for both of us so no exes to contend with.