I cant do this

I cant do this anymore without him, i feel like im drowning in this world. It will be 5 weeks on friday and its getting harder each day.


Going through the same thing. My partner passed away (only 24 years old) the start of the month and I feel completely lost, people keep telling I am being strong and all I want to do is scream what other choice do I have. We still don’t have answers to how he died and it just feels as though I am in limbo as there is no closure. I find myself struggling more and more daily due to how much I miss him and lost I am in this world without him. I find when I do have a good day, I then feel guilty the next day or later in the day?

I have been spending a lot of time with his family as they understand what I am going through and I feel as though I am closer to him, it’s the only comfort I can get - is this something that’s possible for you? Maybe it will help.

Another thing I which I find slightly comforting is reading books written my psychic mediums with their stories of the afterlife


I am so sorry for your terrible loss.
Everything unfolded very quickly from the day that he passed to postmortem funeral, that was all done in 3 weeks. An now here i am lonely in a room full of people, i feel i have no future without him, he was my world.
I get angry because i dont want to do this on my own without him here.
I have been watching some YouTube videos about afterlife etc, that does give me a little comfort, but then the reality sets in that i cant see him anymore kills me.
I wish it had been me that day not him


Why is life so hard
I was in a bubble for 5 months when my husband died
Your whole world as you know it has changed for the worse

You were lucky to have been loved
Cherish those memories in your darkness moments

Come on here talk and share your feelings
It does help you get through your bad days
We all understand
We are all here to support you
Take care


I feel the exact same! It’s just not fair for their precious lives to have been taken so soon and out of no where.

All we can do is hope they are still by our side even after death and supporting all our choices and helping us. Look for signs, he will be there with you, even just little things like one of his songs playing on the radio, i class as it being a sign from him (may not be - but it’s a nice thought to think he is still with me).

I have lots of anger, at first I was angry at my boyfriend for dying and leaving but now I am just angry at the world, maybe even god if he does exist for taking his life so young. There’s just so many emotions to work through - sending you all my strength, we will get through this eventually


Bless you, yes i look for signs, you are so right its an anger at the whole world. I hope they are with us at all times.
Sending love and hugs

Thank you so much for your kind words

I often think I wish it had been me and not my wife. In all honesty that would make more sense. However, it’s worth considering that would you want to put the love of your life through what you’re going through? There’s no right or wrong answers unfortunately. The only right way to deal with it is your own way. Take care x


I could have written this myself! My husband died 21st nov so five weeks for us. He was only 41. I feel empty and numb and I feel I’m only carrying on for our two young girls.
So sorry for your loss x


Thats so true Mike, its just so hard and painful

So sorry for your loss.
This is the hardest thing i think i will ever face in my life,
Sending hugs

I feel the same way. My husband passed away on nov 18 and I’m numb. He was my world and it’s nothing without him.

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It’s six months this week since my Eve died. My wife and soul mate for almost 60 years. The emptiness and pain just gets worse. I don’t believe anyone who tells me “it will get easier”

I feel the same.X