I cant move on

My best friend died on 26th February 2022 she was only 46 we met when I was 14 ,I feel like I’ve lost half of me, starting to cry just writing this
This the first time I have reached out for help I can’t bear this my life has just stopped I don’t know how to stop the pain the loss everything I can’t write its hurting


Dear @Swannie

Welcome to the Community, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your best friend. There are no words to describe the pain of the loss of a friend, but you are not alone, we are all here for you.

If you type in the search bar Loss of friend/Loss of Best friend you can connect with members who have experienced what you are going through. Life does seem to stop when you lose someone you care about but in time life will start again. You learn to accept that the person is not coming back but it does not mean you care or love them any less.

You are grieving and it will be a rollercoaster ride of emotions of good days and bad days, all of which are normal. Grief is a journey to be taken at your pace, you need to be gentle with yourself and look after yourself too.

If you have not done so already, I would speak to your doctor as to how you feel and see how they can support you with your bereavement. There is a useful Grief Guide that would be of help to you and helps you understand and cope with your bereavement and grief along with exploring your emotions and feelings. It would be worth you taking a look.

You can always chat to the Samaritans who are available 24/7, 365 days a year on 116 123 for free. Sometimes it does help to talk to someone.

Please continue to reach out. We are all here for you.

Take care.


So sad to hear about your loss
Life is so unfair
We are here for you whenever you need us
We all understand your pain and hurt.
Take care you are not alone
Love xx

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