I can't stop crying

I lost my world 16th november 2023 not just my mum But my whole world . Im curelrently in trauma therepy and bereavement counselling.
This journey is very lonley and the only person that can make all this better is my mum and i know thats not going to happen . I can not stop crying iv cried neally every day since that day i cant stop . I sob my heart out all the time it just comes over me like a big wave of emotions. Its so difficult i feel like iv loss my self the day i lost her and im not living im just existing as i cant see a way forward with out her . I feel like im stood still it a world thats moving at fast pace around me. This is the most heartbreaking loss in my life i know this, nothing else will ever break me as hard as this as im a broken soul wanting my mum to come back it doesnt feel real wven thou i know it is x


You don’t have to stop crying. Let it out and when you’re ready you will start to feel a change. Change is painful only when we resist it. My heart goes out to you.

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Thank you todays been another dreadfull day . I didnt know one person could produce so many tears . A whole 6months worth. I dont feel any changes as off yet but if some said to me today would you like to sleep through it id tell them yes thsts how painfull it is. X

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it’s been 8 months since my mum left. i still cry everyday when i’m alone in the car or in bed. but the pain is less overwhelming and has been for the past month or so…

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Hi lydiagrace ,
I had to reply to you because i am feeling the exact same way , i lost my beloved mum a week ago now and from the minute i stepped into the room to see her gone my whole life just stopped .
Im married to a wonderful man but my mum has been my whole world for my whole life and now shes gone and i dont know how to go on without her , how to do this without her . I dont understand how things are still going on without her being here , its not right . I am broken without her .


Im sorry to hear about your mum. Its overwhelming most days . Is hard and heartbreaking as it is theres people all over the world that are experiencing grief so deeply as we are . Which makes it a little more comforting knowing yoir not alone but with never take away the deep rooted pain. They say it will start to feel easier but when im unsure i still dont quite believe it it doeant feel real and its really wrong . X


Yes, and the cruelest irony is that during this deep grief is when we need our mum the most. The day will come when you can think of your mum without the painful flashbacks of her last moments. My thoughts are with you.

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I am so sorry for your pain, this grief is so hard to deal with and wade through. I am 7 weeks in and cry daily. The only thing that helps is sleep, and naure. Music, hypnotherapy, meditation help a little. Thankfully my husband and son are support but I just want to call mum when I am upset, and I can’t.