I don't know how

My fiancé Steve passed away almost 6 weeks ago from a cardiac arrest, he ws only 52. We were together 3 and half years but we’d known each other over 25 years and I’d loved him all those years. I feel so numb, I don’t think the grief has really hit me yet. I miss him so much! I find myself staying up late because I can’t face going to sleep without him.
Hw worked away a lot and I find myself picking up my phone to text him that I love him and then realise he’s not here. I’m totally heartbroken and don’t know how to cope.


Hi I’m sorry for your loss, it’s coming up to eight weeks for me and I still can’t believe he’s not coming home, like you I have moments where I think he’ll be home soon or I wonder if he’s text me and I reach for my phone and then remember, I ask myself how can I have lived eight weeks without him after forty three years of being together, life is so cruel because however bad it gets we just have to find a way through any way we can, I have found grief poetry, enya and Tom ( if tomorrow starts without me ) all help especially in the early hours because it’s all so desperately sad, anything to find some peace and distraction, we’re all on the same hard road and I find comfort writing on here that I can see I am not on my own, and that I’m not going crazy, sending love and hugs

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Thanks for your reply. So sorry for your loss, it all just feels so unfair doesn’t it. I will definitely check out the grief poetry, thank you. Sending you love and strength xx

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You have joined this horrendous club where you are grieving ,numb,don’t know how to cope,we are all in this together,it is horrible when you lose your partner,Lost my Judith 4 weeks ago today from cancer,she was beautiful,my world ,my everything and now I have nothing.My life in ruins as yours probably is right now,you cannot eat cannot sleep,feel sick all the time,it is truly a living nightmare.Michael

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