I don't know if I can do this anymore

@Janeets dear janeets thank you . Its the hardest thing I have ever had to try to do and it breaks my heart everyday knowing she is gone. As you said it was meant to be forever. I take comfort in the fact that our love with them is forever. Afterall they didn’t choose to leave us and never would. Take care love and hugs xxx

@Rarelion dear rarelion thank you. Yeah everyone here definitely understands how we all feel. I have had 2 lots of grief counselling and the counsellor was understanding and it helped being able to talk about her and hear another voice apart from my own even though it was only an hour a week. I will try not to give up on myself. I still talk to her all the time as though she were still here and I think I always will. I am so very sorry you are going through this heartbreak. Take care love and hugs xxx

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@Beki hi beki it really is so hard and a roller coaster of emotions . No it’s not what our loved ones would want. They would want us to keep going and be happy. My thoughts are with you and I hope you keep on fighting that monster . I hope one day we can all find some moments of peace as we struggle with this heartbreak. Take care love and hugs xxx

Dear Casey, Please don’t give up. You are an asset to this community. You have comforted others, including me, with your warm and poignant words. Since losing my beloved little Sister, I have also felt that life has lost its luster. She was my best friend and we only had each other. I also struggle every day. I relate to your feelings, and I am so sorry for your pain. We can only try to put one foot in front of the other, and find ways to get through each day. I am glad you have your furry friends to give you a reason to keep going. Be patient and gentle with yourself, you deserve it. :hugs: Xxxx


I lost my partner 4 weeks ago, Saturday was a month since his passing. I thought I was starting to get some strength but from last week I haven’t stopped crying. He died from an accident, he was conscious when he went in and never came out. I’m only 32 and this pain is killing me, I’m at a loss. Waking up is the worst. I struggle eat because we shared everything and even eating from the same plate. We did everything together, I’ve lost my best friend and I just don’t know what to do.


@Sister2 dear sister thank you so very much for your kind words. You have also comforted me with your warm and heartfelt words in your post and your replies to others. It’s so hard isn’t? When we have lost what meant everything to us. I am also so very sorry for your pain. I will definitely keep trying . I’m glad I have my babies they give me so much love and a reason to get up everyday. Take care. I wish you all the best. Love and hugs xxx


@Penchies dear penchies I am so very sorry for your loss. Its so very raw for you. Your emotions are going to be all over the place and you are going to be feeling so lost. But hang on in there. We have to keep trying for our lost loved ones. I hope you have support around you. I’m sorry you find yourself here but everyone on here understands your pain and are so caring and supportive. My partner was my best friend as well. When I first joined here I was told to take one day at a time and even a minute at a time and that’s what I’m still doing. I know the pain feels like its killing us as it rips us apart everyday. I think of the love and happiness we shared and the years we had together and that gives me a little comfort even though it still hurts like hell. I’m often around if you want to chat. My thoughts are with you on this heartbreaking journey. Take care sending hugs x


Hi @Casey1
Please take your medicines, you say you don’t want to prolong your life so you avoid taking them, but you could spend many years encountering more difficulties by not taking them.

Your grieving too so its very important you look after yourself, take medicines, eat and drink properly.
So many people say ‘be kind to yourself’ it’s true words. One day at a time Casey that’s all we can do.
Amy x

@Amylost dear Amy thank you for your concern. I can’t take them right now due to my mental health issues. But maybe sometime in the future. I do eat and drink properly . Probably not healthy as I just grab something to eat when I’m out and only eat once a day. Take care Amy love and hugs xxx