I don't know what to do

Morning x
We lost our loving Dad a few months ago and it’s just unbearable the pain we have.
We miss dad so much.
My sister and me have always been so close and no matter what are always there for each other .
We love being together especially since she had her little boy who is the joy of our lives.
This last month or so she has become really closed off to me.
She speaks to me terribly, sometimes won’t look at me but most of all I feel she just gives me the impression she doesn’t like me.
It hurts so much because wev always been the best of sister’s.
Iv tried to ask her a few times but she really snaps are just won’t speak.
I obviously know it’s because of how much she’s hurting but it’s making my grieving so much harder because I really don’t know what I have done or what I can do to help her more than I do.
I booked a really lovely Spa weekend for us with some lovely meals so we could have the full weekend together without anyone but us.
We had such a lovely time and spoke about everything but this morning on the phone she seems to have gone back to how she was before towards me.
I don’t want to keep talking to mum about it because I don’t want to give more pain on mum that what she already has.
Iv spoken to my husband and he can see what’s going on but I’m just finding it so hard.
I’m hurting so much for my sister and myself .
Has anyone else experienced this

Thank you for listening xx

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Hi Kerry1.1

I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad. It sounds like you are missing that support and closeness with your sister, and it’s understandable that you’d find this makes your grief feel harder.

It might be that your sister is also struggling right now, but perhaps there are other ways you can support and care for yourself without her at this time? I don’t know if you’ve seen our other resources here at Sue Ryder, but in case they can help:

Look after yourself, and keep reaching out here. The community is here for you.

Take care, Rhi

Thank you so much Rhi for your reply.
I’m doing everything I can for my mum and especially my sister but Im finding it so hard this last few weeks holding it together for myself. I feel I’m looking after everyone else.
I think I need to concentrate on myself for alittle while, I really hope that doesn’t sound selfish .
I’m going to have a look at those youv suggested.
Thank you again
Much love :heart: