I don't want to go on with out my husband

That’s exactly what I think - my husband worked hard all his life. He should be here to enjoy it but if he can’t, it’s not the company’s. Frankly, I don’t really want the money, I want my husband BUT he would want his children to be looked after and he earned it so I will fight for it.

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Dear Jules4

Yes like you would give up everything for my husband to be by my side. Now I don’t care about myself I just want to ensure that our kids are taken care of best I can. I have completed all the appropriate forms for my pensions to ensure that it goes to our kids.

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I am so sorry for your loss, I lost my husband and soulmate the end of February of this year, so I know what you are going through, he left his 16year old son that has learning difficulties, so I have to be strong for him. My husband didn’t have any life insurance, but he did take out a couple of pensions, you have got to take each day as it comes, think of what your husband would say to you if he was still here, I guess he would want you to carry on but not forget him, what’s what i do if i get really low. My husband caught covid 19 in hostipal without any symptoms.
I think you could do with counciling I am having some at the moment, it does help.
Take care


Dear Martina, i read your story, and felt for you, and it all bloody sucks so much, i lost my hubbie 52, unexpectedly last year, and it was a terrible ordeal and has caused me many emotional problems, i am trying my best to make a meaningful life, whilst being so kicked in the gut and heart.
So, so sorry for your loss…