I lost my dad unexpectedly before Christmas. It’s been incredibly tough, especially as I found him collapsed in the garden. The trauma of trying to do CPR, seeing him taken off to hospital and then told he was unresponsive and seeing the medical team withdraw support has left me reeling. I’m not grieving properly because I need to support my mum and finances are very tight. I feel scared, angry and very alone. The support from friends and family has now dwindled, as people expect us to cope. I’m not coping and I don’t know what to do.
I lost my mum 3 months ago, was unexpected
Watched her take her last breath as she requested DNR.
I feel your loss it’s unimaginable
People at first kept saying it will get better, I didn’t want to hear that. People checked in on me a lot but it dwindled away as some put a time on grief and expect you to get over it.
Not how it happens at all so I understand what you feel
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It’s true, nothing can prepare you. Thank you for responding.
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