I feel so sad without my dad.

My dad passed away 8 weeks ago. We live 6 hours away from each other. I was due to visit him 1 week later and I didnt get the chance.
My dad died all alone at home from a heart attack and my heart is so sore because he must of been so scared and sad. Nobody should die alone. I cant stop thinking of his final moments and what he must of went through.
I miss him so much. I feel so lonely. I know I have support, a good partner who lost his dad 10 years ago, family and a very good friend who fully understands and my sister, but I hide how sad I truly am.
My dad was only 59. I cant get my head around a life without him, without his text messages, him telling me I love you.
I am so angry I didnt get one last visit, one last memory. I hadnt seen my dad since September last year.
I keep asking “why?”

I just dont want to be without my dad. X


I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is the worst possible pain. I lost my mom to a sudden cardiac arrest. She was only 58 and had no illness and no heart issues.
I can relate to you. Unexpected and untimely deaths are so difficult to cope.
I am sorry you couldn’t meet him. I know how painful that is.
Please know that you are not alone. Your dad is still around you. They never leave us.
I know nothing I can say will help you but I am here for you. Try to find some strength.
I know it’s difficult and feels impossible but please try for your dad.

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Hey, sorry for your loss.
I lost my dad on the 3rd of November last year and my mum on the 28th of November.

My dad was my world and the hardest part of all of this is that he no longer calls me on my way to work to talk about the news - I never get a random text message any more.
I miss his laughter in my home and I miss him bringing me very random gifts.

My biggest frustration is with the wasted time we had - time when we could have been in France together - one last time. But because of covid we couldn’t get there before it was simply to late.

My dad is in my heart always and he sometimes feels like he’s near me.

My grief feels very raw at the moment as it was his birthday earlier in the week.

My mum had been mentally ill for about 12 years before she died and we didn’t have a great relationship - we were only just speaking when she died. It’s different because I lost that relationship with her so many years ago.
My dad and I survived together through it all and I just miss him endlessly


Hi. I can identify with you losing your Dad and not being with him at the time of his going. This just happened to me. For me, he wasn’t too far away but there was Covid on his ward.
We worry about the idea of ‘someone dying alone’ but lots of people choose this. They slip away after their loved ones have popped out. Many near death experiences describe a wonderful, beautiful moment, being completely at peace, drifting, or even a euphoria. Your dad knew you loved him. All the experiences you DID have will have been in his heart as he left. I’m not saying this is easy. It’s the one thing I’m really struggling with too…could I have tried harder to be there.

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So sorry for your losses. I know the pain of Dad dying all alone in isolation. My dear healthy Dad also was admitted to hospital for covid and we were not allowed to visit him. He was put on a vent after 4 days of hospitalization and then he passed away from cardiac arrest. Every now and then I cannot stop thinking what he must have gone through all alone. He was too eager to come home, how would he have waited for that time! Was he even being treated properly or was he neglected. I also feel like you - nobody should die alone in isolation. It’s gut wrenching to think of their last moments and their sufferings. I had last seen Dad in person 2 years ago. I was badly waiting to meet him when covid cases would reduce but I never got to meet him at all. I’m too unlucky. I’m sorry I have nothing to say to console you but as soon as I read your post I wanted to share about what happened with my Dad too. You’re not alone. Hugs.

I am so sorry for your loss. I remember when my father died; I felt like I was going to die with him. He was my only family member, and he was my best friend.

It’s been a year since my father’s death and I still miss him every day, but I have learned that time does heal all wounds. The pain will lessen over time, but it never goes away completely. You just learn how to live with it and accept it as part of who you are now.

I wish there was something I could do or say to make this easier for you, but there isn’t anything anyone can do other than be there for you during this difficult time and support you as much as they can.

my dad passed away on the 21/7/22 of heart failure in hospital. We knew he had heart failure for 3 years . I too didnt get to say goodbye . I dont know what to say to make that better for you because i know that hurts. I also question what he went through what he thought . I am very sorry that you didnt get one last visit . i last saw my dad over two years ago before the covid started so thats a long time . I am still dealing with not seeing him and cant really work it out All i can do is think i him and write a memory book of things he said and put up photos of where he took me.Its difficult getting my head around not being with him in last moments . But look to what was good times and remember them