I Hate Christmas

Feeling pretty much alone and down, it’ll be two years in December since both my Mum and wife passed away. Everyone expects me to be happy because it’s Christmas, I really hate Christmas it reminds me of what I’ve lost. No one seems to understand or seems to care about how I feel, so I end up putting on a happy face whenever anyone visits. It’s so so hard pretending to be happy when really I’m so sad and just can’t be bothered to do anything.
Does anyone else feeling sad at Christmas or is just me?


@tjs633 No you are not the only one feeling sad at Christmas. I lost my husband of 40 years 45 days ago and I cannot face Christman so I am not going to celbrate Chtistmas this year. It’s too painful and reminds me of my loss. Big hugs xx

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Thank you for your message and I’m so sorry for your loss, but your in the best group to help you thru. Take care

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@tjs633 I hope we all get through Christmas this year. Thinking of you. Take care xx

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I intend not to do Xmas this year My husband died May 23 my son is v Unwell and can’t be with me I m not a Christian I am going to ignore it Don’t be afraid to ignore it it is only 1 day I feel so sad I don’t need Christmas nonsense on top Let it go relax grieve x

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I agree - let go of Christmas this year. xx

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I have not done Xmas for a few years now I don’t do cards presents or Xmas dinner I hide away from everything and everyone i lost my mum and sister 3 apart​:broken_heart::broken_heart: Dec is the worse I don’t do happy fake family’s people should make a effort all year not just for 1 day I don’t do religion it’ distroys lives singing about something that never existed rant over

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No it’s not just you.
My darling husband died a few days before Christmas two years ago. We had been together 54 years. . Christmas will never be the same again. I dread it , and find all the adverts and cards etc saying have a wonderful time feel wrong. However, I have children and grandchildren, and so I will put on a brave face and get through it as best I can.
I will be glad when 2nd January arrrives and it’s all over for another year.
Thinking of you all

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Yes I agree with all you say, just let it go it’s to painful

I’m never liked xmas its just over commercialised and a money making exercise . Buy this buy that all old tat that people dont want. Families forced to spend time together eating to much and ending in a argument then there gone not to be seen till next year leaving all the washing up and food squashed in carpet . No thanks not for me i will be going up cemetery and having a quiet time reflecting on my life without my hubby. Sorry if i sound bitter but lifes not a bed of roses.


It has been 2 years since my husband died and this will be my third Christmas without him. Already I am dreading it, the television is full of adverts about lovely, happy Christmas. I really can’t do Christmas this year, I can’t force myself to enjoy myself because others want me to. I just want to hibernate until it is over. I know it’s been two years since my husband died but it seems to be getting harder rather than easier.


No you’re not alone. Christmas for me is the worst of time of all. My family don’t have my mum and without her Christmas just isn’t the same. On Christmas Day my mum made Christmas for me she did everything right down to the best Christmas dinner ever but now it’s just my dad and I and my daughter we don’t bother. All I want to do is curl up and cry

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