I hate Covid 19

I lost my partner in April to Covid 19 I was able to see him for the last time but he was unconcious my lovely man had battled parkinson’s and dementia contracted MRSA and then finally caught Covid I have so many questions for the hospital that I cannot have answered such as did he come round anymore was he scared etc. We had a terrible time after he passed he was only allowed five people at his funeral could not have his local cemetery carry it out no hearse or mourning car despite paying for it in a bond. I had no legal rites to register his death with no will I do not qualify for his pension or his estate that goes to his children while I struggle to keep a roof over my head. I miss him so much. I had him for 39 years he completed me and I am struggling to find a new role now I am no longer a carer. At least I work now but at 60 the prospect of being alone for the rest of my life is very daunting. I cannot get rid of his things because I pretend he is still here when I see them.

So sorry for your loss, I hope being on this site will bring you some comfort, knowing others understand the depth of your pain. X

So sorry for your loss speak to the hosp my partner was under a specific dr and i had questions i wanted answering i saw her this week and she went through everything this was after 12 weeks when i had time to think properly x

Hi Deb.Have you talked to his children?Surely they will understand your grief and love and allow you to stay in the property.I am sure you have some rights if you have lived and cared for somebody for so long.I would recommend you take some legal advice. So sorry you are suffering like this.

There is no threat to my staying in my home it is just that his bank account insurance etc is not coming to me that is all. As a TA I only get a low wage and am struggling to pay the rent he wanted his three pensions to come to me and named me but we were not married and so the law says spouses only. So I wont get it . The money would have helped me to live and pay the rent. But no amount of money will bring him back so it is fine. Thank you Angie.

Thank you Rach25 so many questions that will never get answered but I did right by him so thankfully no guilt just a whole lot of love. xx

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