I hate Sunday

My wife died six weeks ago on a Sunday went out for a walk this morning have started doing a lot of work in the garden and front lawn to keep myself occupied and to be not alone with my thoughts of memories of my wife. Floods of tears this morning and on and off during the day. Going to the crematorium on Wednesday to sort out a memorial stone to go in our local cemetery. Will have to do a new will soon. It seems so unreal sometimes almost expecting Karen to arrive home. I think it’s worse when I have managed to forget about the last few months for a while then the realisation of losing Karen is overwhelming, empty house no family.


Hello Pete, I not only sympathies with you but also still have the dread of Sundays and like you I always kept both my mind but also my body busy. Some weeks it works well other times not so successful. It does get easier because we are aware of the faulty lines and are more watchful but for me I don’t want to ever get to the stage that I can forget. My memories are my link to my soulmate and I never want them to go. God bless you and please never worry about crying. We are always here for you. S xxx with blessings

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