I Hate this grief with all my heart

I am so tired of this grief. I am so tired of the unexpected triggers. Totally exhausted. Today I left the bank in tears. The bank . Never thought my emotions would betray me in a place like that. I wanted to run. The bank claims my husband is still in the account after I went through the horrible experience of going in person with a death certificate and having him removed four months ago. Their mistake has taken me down in a way that has shocked me. I had to leave. I refuse to do it again and their mistake is not my fault. But the grief, the tears, the derailment of my day . I am just tired of this process and I want it to stop. I hate this grief with all my heart and soul. I ended up telling my husband I hate him for making me go through this.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this.
There seems to be no compassion in big business any more. Heartless and souless corporations.
I can’t make it better for you, but you’re not alone…I think we’ve all had these types of experiences and they just strip a bit more away from you at the most difficult time.
When and if you have the strength to return to this, take it to the top, write to the CEO and tell them what they’ve put you through but until then, come here and share your anger and frustration, we’ll listen without judgement.
Hugs xx


It’s so difficult dealing with all these things when you are grieving. It is so exhausting, Painful, just compounds the whole horrible grieving process, I totally understand how you feel.The other day I had to go to a mobile phone shop to find out how to cancel my husbands phone contract.I was just handed a scrappy bit of paper with a number on. In the shop they were playing a song that I’ve heard a few times that really upsets me as the words are so poignant, I left the shop in uncontrollable tears
People keep saying it will get easier, but I can’t see how.


So sorry, thats just awful of the bank to make that mistake, I found the process of going to the bank to have his name taken off the joint accounts so damn hard and to have to do that over again is unthinkable! I felt like I was being disloyal & disrespectful, I couldn’t wait to get out of there! So I really feel for you xxx


Thank you so much for your advice. After I recovered some of my energy I did write an email to the bank. I couldn’t hold it in.But you just guided me to address this directly with the CEO. Thank you. I will forward my original email to him. It was atrocious to go through that experience. I appreciate you and this supportive community from the bottom of my heart.

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I find dealing with the banks , pensions and insurance utterly draining. Ive never come across so many incompetent uncaring individuals in my life.

Call centres, uploading and getting it plain wrong

Whats wrong with them. The mantra we are sorry for your loss sounds really hollow