I have lost my best friend

I have recently lost my best friend of 12 years and I literally feel like half my heart has gone with him. I am shutting myself away and feeling angry all the time, I am unsure how to get through this at the moment… if anyone has any advice it would be brilliant… thank you! :sob:


Dear @Jade58

Welcome to the Community, I am sorry to hear of the passing of your best friend. What an empty and painful hole this leaves in your life. It would be helpful for you to talk to someone. Have you thought about contacting your doctor for a chat to let them know how you are feeling and to see how they can support you.

It is good to talk, and it does help. The Samaritans are available 24 hours a days, 365 days a year for someone to talk to. It is all free and confidential. The number is 116 123.

Sue Ryder have a very useful Grief Guide that contains information to help you understand and cope with your bereavement and grief. You can also connect with members here who have been in a similar as yourself by typing in the search bar Loss of Best Friend.

You are not alone, we all here for you, please take care of yourself and take one day at a time. Grief is journey to be taken at your own pace, it is not a race. If you need further information, please email online.community@suerydercare.org.

Take care,


Hi Jade58, I can relate to this. Try not to shut yourself away and anger is a feeling I have regularly, lost my partner in October. Anger, guilt, desperately sad, all normal. Only advice I have is try and create a routine of going out every day, whether it’s just to a local shop, letter box, drive round the block, petrol station. You are then keeping in contact with the world. It will give you a small sense of achievement, so you don’t have to worry about shutting yourself away…

Me too my husband was soul.mate my safety my rock and my Knight, I was in a bad place when.i met him and he pulled me out of it. He made all my dreams come true I thought I would grow old with him. I’m mourning the loss of our future together and how he won’t see his daughter at her prom or see her get married or see our grandkids.