I hear you..

Hope this image comes through so others can see they’re not suffering alone :broken_heart::heart:


For me it’s also the sense of longing that is deep in side of me. An ache that no medication can take away, a hole that can never be filled.


And the constant yearning to feel their arms around you. The missing, the inner turmoil, the heartbreak. The constant reminders, the pain, the loss. The list goes on and on


Thank you, thats definitely how I feel xx

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Hi Paul
You have just described how I am feeling too, so well. The fact that when you do find some happiness, you are overwhelmed with guilt, I wonder how long it takes before the scream dulls its voice?
I scream silently everyday and when I do find my voice to share my thoughts sometimes people are just too busy with their own problems, so the screaming goes on and I stay silent. I hope you are managing and are finding some kind of relief, no matter how small, each day.


Exactly how I feel.… :broken_heart:

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