I lost my dad 3 weeks after giving birth

Hi. I lost my dad in October 24, 3 weeks after I had my son and am still really struggling. He was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia between Christmas and new year 2022, went into remission in March 23, had a bone barrow transplant in July 23, and relapsed in June 24 but because it had been less than a year since the transplant, he was unable to have another so it was only chemo that could be used but it didn’t work.
I seem to just panic now when I think about him. I think about myself getting older and passing away and what will be left behind and how my son and any future children will cope. I seem to have panic attacks when I think about it and I have almost passed out before. Does anyone have any advice on if it gets easier or on coping mechanisms? Thanks

Hi, I am so sorry you are going through this. Be kind to yourself. You have had a lot happen in a short space of time. Your hormones and emotions will be all over the place. You could speak to your doctor. I sometimes have moments where I feel suddenly short of breath and dizzy as though I may pass out. People have told me it sounds like the beginnings of a panic attack. This tends to happen if certain music plays unexpectedly, during talking about the loss of my mum and situations surrounding etc removing myself from the situation, changing subject, trying to focus on something else sometimes helps x