i lost my dad

i lost my dad on thursday and im so confused. for the first 2 days all i did was cry, my eyes were burning, bloodshot and my face was puffy. i sobbed into my mums chest so loudly. now tody feel numb and almost as if im over it. i’m not, im struggling so much but i can’t cry anymore. please someone tell me if this is normal?


Your grieving however you feel is normal whatever normal is i dont think there is when your grieving its so hard and sad an so many emotions flying around just dont be hard on yaself an take each day as it comes im 6 months in2 losing my dad an its still raw good days bad days but hes always in my thoughts.

I’m so sorry for your loss. You will have so many emotions you’ll be going through but remember that with grief there is no right way or wrong way to feel. I’m only 6 months in loosing my dad I’m still learning about navigating with grief.
Sending you a big hug as I know what you will be going through.

I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my Mam 9 weeks ago today. My emotions have been all over the place too. I cried til my eyes stung, and sobbed daily. The tears aren’t as frequent the last few days but the feelings are still there with feelings of guilt coz I’m not as teary. But everyone has told me that whatever I am feeling now is normal. There is no manual on grief and how to navigate it unfortunately. We have no choice but to take it as it comes. Just be kind to yourself

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I’m so sorry for the loss of your mam I know what you’re going through it’s so heartbreaking but try not let that guilt in, I’m 7 months since I lost my dad. Gosh the tears those first few months were constant, they are different now I’ll go a week & think I’m handling this better then grief will do it’s thing. You’re right there’s no right way no manual. One day at a time! Still doesn’t feel real even now!