I lost my everything

Catrina, have been thinking of you today. To me the funeral was just about the worst thing, but I did get through it and hope that you have also. Pat xxx

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Hi Catrina in my thoughts today as always I cant bring myself to think of the funeral I was in a blur of disbelief and panic my heart goes out to you hun im here if you need me sweetie sending a hug Adele x

Hi Ade
Thank you so much hun
It went well I feel very numb
That was the final part
It was so hard too see so many people who loved him there … am still in a daze as I sit here writhingy feelings down
I hope your holding in there
Big hugs lovely
Cat x

Hi pat
I got through it
To me it was the final part
Thank you for keeping me in your thought
Big hugs
Cat x

HI hunni im so sorry for your loss it’s heartbreaking and your having to go through this my heart aches for you numb is a feeling I know too well I was in a daze on the day of Edwards funeral been in my thoughts all day hun take as much care as possible please sending you a hug speak soon Adele x

Hello Catrina. Getting though it is tough. I felt out of my body as if I was watching everything going on around me and it was nothing to do with me. Everyone greeting me at the beginning and then having to stand at the end and shake so many hands. When I just wanted to be alone with the grief, I didn’t want to share it with anyone. I was amazed at how many people turned up although It was more or less by invitation. I was so thankful to them. Unfortunately they forgot me afterwards including his immediate family but this happens, or so I am told
You take care.
Pat xxx

Hi pat
O bless pat
I was not to bad to be honest it went bether than I thought
It’s funny isn’t it how family are like
Big hug
Cat x

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hi Catrina
sorry you lost the love of your life.and are going through this nightmare.for me its been just over 3 months and i cant say its getting any easier.like you i find it a struggle to get through each day.hope that you can find a way of getting through this terribly sad time.regards Ian

Hi Ian
Am sorry for your lost too
It is so hard and I can’t see it getting any easier to be honest it’s getting harder as the weeks go on its 5 weeks today
I have my first conselling session next week.with sue ryder
10 weeks waiting list for cruze bereavement service and than told that they usally wait till ur 3 months in
Take care here if u need a chat