I lost my Mum

I lost my mum to cancer almost two years ago and as soon as she passed survival mode kicked in and I had to be strong for my daughters and mum’s partner. I still feel I have not started the grieving process I feel numb on a daily basis and think about her all the time. I feel abandoned and as a 46 year old that’s a strange feeling.

Hi @Lisa76,

I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum. You mention that you went into survival mode when your mum died. This reminded me of Ben’s story. In it, he talks about how the pressure he felt to be strong stopped him from grieving his mum:

Ben’s story: trying to be strong stopped me processing my grief

For Ben, bereavement counselling helped him to open up. If you think counselling may help you, too, Sue Ryder offer Online Bereavement Counselling which you may want to explore. There’s a little bit of a waiting list at the moment, but you can register here: Online Bereavement Counselling Service | Sue Ryder

Hopefully someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to share these links with you.

Please do keep reaching out - you are not alone.
