I lost my partner to suicide

On the 27th of December this year my partner took his own life. His name was Blaise, 35, and he was from a little town in Tuscany called Certaldo. He had lived in the UK for eight years as a maths university lecturer and I met him at the end of 2019 when I began my classics degree, I am now 44.

We had just moved in together when in March 2020, yep, we were now stuck together. When things eventually opened up again we both got back to uni and everything was great. Blaise also got the chance to work part time at the same university his father taught at in Milan, so for the last 7 months he was flying back and forth between the two, it was manic.

Blaise’s father at the age of 37 was diagnosed with Huntington’s disease, which is a neurological condition that affects cognitive, emotional and physical brain function similar to Parkinson’s disease except with HD, there is a 1/2 chance that it can be passed down to any children. He lived for 20 years with the disease before he died aged 57.

Blaise struggled in his mid teens after his father’s diagnosis, he was also struggling with accepting his sexuality I believe. He began drinking at this time which remained an issue for the rest of his life although we tried to not make it a big thing or he did anyway.

Then a few months before his death he had started to display possible early symptoms of the disease, he had developed a tick in his fingers and jaw but I don’t know if we will ever find out for sure. Then he began drinking again and was struggling with depression, far worse than in any time I had known him.

A little over a month ago he was offered the chance to work full time in Milan, we planned to move to Italy once I had finished my degree anyway, but this was an opportunity he had to take. We decided he should go and I would join him when I could.

He did two weeks notice here and then began working in Milan 4 days later, he had no idea where he was even going to live until the day before. It was all so mad and meant that we would be spending Christmas apart too.

His first two weeks were tough, we were arguing a lot on the phone, he hardly knew anyone and it all got too much for him. His mother had gone to be with him on the 23rd but he was a mess, every time we spoke it ended in a fight so we decided to not call each other for a few day.

On the day he died he did call me and it ended in an argument, I said a lot of things that I knew had hurt him. He went out and got drunk and then in the morning his mom found him. We believe he took an overdose of something, there is still an inquest into the cause of death, so we can’t be sure exactly what he took.

I flew out on the 29th, and after his body was released he was cremated and a quiet service in his home town for family and friends was held on the 3rd. I think I will stay here in Italy with his mother for a bit anyway. It has only been a few days but I just don’t know what to do, everything is in such a mess and I am so afraid for his mother.

I am sorry this has ended up being much longer than I thought it would be. I still don’t know why I have written it to be honest, I don’t know if I want advice, I don’t even know if I will end up posting it, I guess I hoped it would be cathartic or something, maybe it will be.

Thanks anyway.



Hi @JonnyBadger I’m sorry for your loss of Blaise.
Never apologise for sharing. The world needs to know about the people we have loved and lost. Sending you love and strength x

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I am so very sorry for your tragic loss. The grief of losing your partner and soulmate is heartbreaking. Sending you a huge hug, please take care of yourself and his mum.

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I don’t know how to be there for Blaise’s mom, I want so desperately to help her. She is not eating and barely drinking. I don’t know anyone in the town, and it is just her and me. I am not even sure if me being here is the right thing.

Talk about Blaise. Give her a hug. Or just hold her hand. You are grieving too. There is no right or wrong way. This is a tragic loss for you all xx

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I know I should not be, it was not his fault that he was so unhappy, but I am angry at him for making me and his mom go through this. I don’t know what to do, how do I stop feeling this way?

I am really sad and angry that my partner of nearly 40 years left me. He didn’t have a choice, I still get angry. I have never felt grief like this. All the ones left behind suffer. Every aspect of my life has changed. It is very difficult.

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It has been just over two weeks since my beautiful partner and my best friend Blaise passed away.

He was 35 years old from a little comune called Certaldo in Florence, Italy. He was a brilliant mathematician and teacher who had only just started his new job in Milan.

He was a happy go lucky kind of guy most of the time who would talk your ear off, especially if his beloved Italy was mentioned. The food, the art, the language, yap, yap, yap, it used to drive me up the bloody wall, I would do anything to hear him now.

He lived in the UK for eight years, that’s where we first met. He was teaching and I was a mature student nearly ten years his senior, not studying maths though… good god no. I still don’t know how I ended up dating a maths teacher, I thought I had some standards.

I know I am biased, but he was gorgeous. I remember sitting in the canteen and I could hear the girls talking about him, “look at him… why are the good looking ones gay?” then he came over to me and kissed me, the look of envy on their faces was fantastic. Me a middle aged man, balding and with only one foot… and a poor in debt student don’t forget.

He used to ride this battered old Vespa he paid a few hundred quid for, he looked so cute in his little helmet. He was short though, 5’6 he would claim, that was a load of bollocks, 5’5 at most and I’m being generous I promise. He was big in other areas though… personalty I mean.

I miss him so much, even though he was in Milan while I was stuck in the UK, I knew I could call him, even get on a plane and be with him in a few hours. I don’t know if it will get easier, but it is sooooooo hard.

I love you my darling, Ti amo :heart:

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Hi. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my nephew to suicide in July last year and I am really struggling so i totally understand how you feel. There are so many questions unanswered and sadly We will never get them. I just wanted you to know there are people there that understand and feel the pain you are feeling.

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Thank you and I’m sorry you lost your nephew. I am also sorry it’s taken me so long to reply. My head is all over the place. Take care. Xx

Today or should it be yesterday now, has been a hard one. I thought I would try getting back into my revision, but after the first few lines it all becomes a blur. I have been reading all night and I haven’t got a clue what I read.

There is no way I’m going to get my degree now, I am so far behind. I think I’m just going to give it up. I need a job anyway. 2 and a half years down the drain, thanks Blaise!

I miss him but I am so very angry at him for putting me through this hell. Part of me wants to forget about him, the other wants to join him. I am so confused.

I need some real help, but I am broke and I never thought I would say this, but I am sick of Italy, I don’t want to hear any more Italian. I want to come home but I can’t leave his mother all alone. I just want someone to speak English to me for 5 minutes please!

Hey. Try not to put to much pressure on yourself regarding your degree. Can you take a break and then go back to it? Sadly you have so much going on in your head there won,t be much room for anything else. I found concentration a nightmare to begin with but that is improving.
The anger is totally normal, I have said the first thing I will do when I meet him again on the other side is give him a crack! But there are many things We have to remember, they were not happy in this world and sadly they chose not to be here. I do not think it is to punish or gain anything, they just could not cope with their lives. I really hope they are at peace but that certainly does not make it any easier for us that are left behind.
Don,t make any rash decisions but just take time and think about what you really want. I don,t want to sound awful but his mum is not your responsibility, if you have family and friends back home and they can help you through this dreadful time, then that is what you have to do.
It doesn,t feel like it but I am sure in time it has to get easier. I started writing a list of things i need to do this year,some in memory of my nephew,some not and I also started writing a book about my nephews life from when he was born, hoping it may give me a few answers.
It is not going to be an easy road but do not give up. They may have not been meant for this world but We are. Stay strong!

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