I lost my sister suddenly

Hi all . My beautiful sister who had no known health problems and who was living at our home until she got her keys for her new house wanted to pop to the shops after just a normal wednesday . The shops was only 2 mins away so she was soon home again but complained of feeling a little breathless and unwell and discomfort in back and chest . I called for an ambulance but was given an hour and half waiting time and told to call back if she got worse then in only short space of time she just suddenly began making noises then went into cardiac arrrest . I was screaming down the phone to the operator as she had stopped breathing :sob: then Myself and my husband had to perform CPR on my precious sister until help arrived and took over . Paramedics tried all they could but we ended up losing her . I am heartbroken :broken_heart: devastated :broken_heart: totally grief stricken we were so close and im still in deep shock as her sudden unexpected death and struggling to grasp how my sister has just gone :broken_heart: x

Hi Lynwin, so sorry for your loss, it’s awful to go though, I lost my mam last Thursday the very same way and honestly I thought I was going to die myself that night. It’s hard and very scary situation to be in but the best advice I can give you is do what your body tells you. I know you want answers and you’ll relive over and over it but it does you no good, your sister knows you loved her and would of been proud of you. Do you have people you can talk to about how you feel, always talk about how you feel as it helps I’m slowly getting calmer just by support from this site and family. Send you lots of hugs xxx

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Hi Ab12 Thankyou so much for your lovely message and I am so so sorry that you lost your dear Mum in this way :cry: my heart goes out yo you . Im so pleased to hear that you are finding comfort from this site and talking to others . Yes I am extremely blessed to have My beautiful family around me . My wonderful husband and 2 Amazing sons and thier wife/girlfriend my brother and sister in law and thank god for them everyday plus I have a wide support network of relatives and friends so I am so thankful . Aww thankyou yes my sister knew how much we loved her just like your mum will know how much you loved her . We do all talk all the time but my worst time is at night and on waking when the shear volume of the grief hits you again xxx

Hi Lynwin,
Just keep posting on here we all know how difficult it is and honestly it’s good to talk about it, even if you want to say it again it helps. Please take care of yourself and do what you body tells you. I’m on here everyday so around if you want to talk xx

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