I love her so much

I want to return to a pleasant place
A pleasant place with a pleasant view
That pleasant place of course, is home
And that pleasant view my love, is you.


If only we could go back , I lost my Gill just over 3 months ago , I feel lost , empty , no purpose in life , very lonely but most of all I miss my Gill and the pain is getting worse , I will try to keep going hoping that I will cope better in a while but it is so hard , my whole life died when Gill did and I am struggling to find any solace anywhere my existance ( not a life now ) has no direction but I will keep trying . Hope everybody on here finds comfort and send you all hugs and kisses.


Yes I can so relate to you both. @Nipper I wish I could be gone too because my life has no meaning without her, the only reason I do is because I wouldn’t put my mother through this pain & she’s all I’ve really got left who’s close to me. I have a few friends but all have partners & their own lives to live. We had no children & did everything together which makes it much harder because everything I do now is on my own & I hate this new feeling of a new life that I don’t want without her & all the things we won’t do together anymore, it kills me inside.
Peace & love to all xx

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Thanks for replying , knowing that this feeling of emptiness and loneliness is not just me does help and gives it a sort of normality . Like you we have no children but do have a few good friends but sometimes it makes being alone worse , I find that I dont want to go out anywhere because coming home to an empty house with no one to talk to is so painful , all I can do is keep trying to carry on I know she would of wanted me to so in a way I am still living for her . Really hope everybody finds peace and the strength to carry on.


I can totally relate to you both having lost my husband a month ago. Nothing has meaning sand I am now drifting through life aimlessly waiting to join him which I will do soon. The pain is too much for me and once a few things are finalised I will go.

That is what I live for - we had no children but have fabulous nephews and nieces whom we idolise but my pain is such that I can only think about me. Xx

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I know how you feel , what keeps me going is knowing that as long as I am here the love we have is still alive and Gill is still with me , she would want me to carry on with my life , I am finding it difficult but hope that this pain eases as time goes on , it will never go away but hopefully be more bearable , I miss my Gill more than I can explain but feel that for her I must try my best to carry on because I love her so much . Hope you find peace and strength in your life.

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Thanks Nipper - I feel that our love is already eternal. I have paid and planned my funeral and will etc as we had never done it. Rob is in a green burial site and I have to be cremated in order to go in the same plot. I ordered the plaques and have written pages of instructions about everything. It will be humanist and my ashes will be buried near his left hand side.

I put my wedding ring on him and tons of pictures and letters from everyone. He wore his Buddy Holly tshirt.

My jewellery and his wedding ring that I wear will go in with pictures after my cremation as the jewellery melts and they keep it!

I feel most at home at the burial site to be honest.

Take care xx

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I really am lost for words , I feel lost , numb , no direction and in constant pain without my Gill but I will try to carry on coping with all this because I know thats what Gill would want and I dont want to let her down because I love her so much , as long as I am alive I carry her memory with me and so in a strange way I am keeping her alive . Have to stop now , I am crying so much and my throat is tight , please find peace and the strength to carry on,

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I am not letting Robin down - I have organised everything that we should have done together but couldn’t because of the pain. He was my best friend, soulmate and love of my life so he would know exactly I would be in this situation. He was the only person in the world that I trusted.

You would never let her down and neither am I - they know us to well. I am here with him now as I am twice a day just to tell him everything.

Our love reaches well beyond this life.

Take care xx

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It seems we both are missing our partners so much it hurts beyond description but we are dealing with it in our own way ( which is right and proper ) so I wish you all the love and peace that you need ,also I would like to give you a big hug just because I care and understand .

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Big hugs and love to you too Nipper. I know it is early for me but I know I will never find that peace that I crave.

Shame we can’t have actual support groups xx

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It’s my birthday today my darling. I sat by your grave and cried. These last few weeks have been so hard, I’m so utterly alone. I love you sweetheart.


Sending hugs @Nigel2 xxx

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Love to you xx

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Thank you Karen. xx

Thank you Charm. xx