Marnee, So sorry to hear of the recent loss of your wife. I hope you are coping and have the support of your family around you.
It’s coming up to 4 years at the end of January since I lost my partner, but it still feels so raw and unbelievable. The heartache and pain never leaves.
What beautiful words on the neighbouring gravestone. Thank you for sharing.
Take care x
Alone1, thank you, and yes my 20 strong close family were all together on Christmas Day and yesterday was spent with my youngest daughter and her family. They live next door, which is just as well as we, and some other mutual friends all got totally spliced on Prosecco, wine and Kahlua and cream shots! No alcohol today!
Hi Marnee
So glad you and your family had a good Christmas (under the circumstances).
That’s nice your daughter and her family live next door to you.
Hope you haven’t got too much of a headache after the Prosecco and the other drinks (but it was worth it? )
Best wishes for the New Year and stay strong. It’s still early days for you x
They made me sob -they echo everything I feel.
I honestly feel that my whole purpose in life now is to keep my husband ‘alive’.
By talking about him, writing his name on cards, pictures of him everywhere, presents from him to others…
I simply will never let him be forgotten.
So these words so resonated.
I’m even going to search them on internet and see if I can get a plaque or something with them on.
Even though I’m in tears, I am so grateful for you sharing these words.
Thank you so much
Dear @Marnee
I found a site on Etsy where you can get personalised plaques.
I ordered one with those lovely words. Took it to put with my husbands tree today