I’m don’t know what to do

My mum died. She had MS. My life revolved around her. On Christmas Eve I got a call that she was being brought into hospital with the flu. She was in Ireland. I flew over. They allowed me in to see her. She recovered but caught another hospital infection just before her discharge. They then locked the hospital down because of the flu and Covid. I battled to see her.
I got a phone into her so she could call me. Three nights before she died she called me begging to go home. She didn’t want to die alone. I was able to see her the next day after begging. The following morning she died on her own. I can’t get over that.
I’m so lost without her. My whole life revolved around her. I find it hard to carry on.


Hello @AnnieGil,

I can see that you’re new to the community, so I wanted to say that I am so sorry for the loss of your mum that brings you here.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that may help you right now.

You say that you are finding it hard to carry on, so please do think about talking to your GP about how you’re feeling, too. You deserve help and support.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,
