I am 22 years old, I’m really struggling I’ve recently been told I’ve having an ectopic pregnancy I only had a pregnancy test 3 weeks ago and the scan 2 weeks ago as they thought something was wrong, he was stuck in my fallopian tube and they said he had a heartbeat I’m completely destroyed my boyfriend has been so supportive and so have my parents but I can’t help thinking that I’m so alone. I lost him last night as they gave me a pill to help him go so my tube doesn’t rupture, I can’t help to think it was my fault and I feel terrible I’m completely broken all I want was to hold him but all I’m doing now is holding my stomach in pain because I’m bleeding so much. At the moment I just feel like everything has crumbled around me I know I never got to meet him but I love him
I’m so sorry to hear this, @Julybaby - that is devastating and how you’re feeling is completely understandable. Please be gentle with yourself right now, you’re going through a lot both physically and mentally.
You are not alone. You may wish to contact The Miscarriage Association. They provide support to anyone affected by miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy. They have a helpline, live chat and email support service. You can find out more by visiting their website:
Please do reach out for further support should you need to. Take good care,
I’m so sorry for the loss of your little one, My deepest sympathies are with you and your partner.
There are no words that can ease your pain, but do know you are not alone. We are here to chat to.
If the bleeding is still as bad in a few days do get it checked out with the hospital. I had a heavy bleed after I lost a baby and needed to be seen in the ward. I didnt need surgery, just antibiotics for a couple of weeks.
Its difficullt to know whats normal when you havent experienced it before. Take good care of yourself xx
Thank you so much!
How are you today, Julybaby?
Sending you loving and healing thoughts x