I miss her so much

Mum’s funeral was 2 days ago. She died on 28th April after battling stage 4 lung and brain cancer for 8 months. I can’t put into words how I feel. Since she died I’ve attended 2 weddings and have fixed a smile on my face to get through them. Today I can’t get motivated to do anything, it’s the first day I’ve not had to do anything and I’m struggling. Every thought is about her and I can’t focus on anything else and I don’t know what to do. Life is continuing but I don’t know how to. Please help x


I know this feeling too well. It is 10 weeks today since I lost my mum. It has been so up and down but this last week has just kicked me in in the gut.

Today I stayed under a blanket until 5pm! And you know what if we have to do that, so be it. One minute I can be smiling and feeling so thankful of the amazing life we had together but like the flick of a switch I can fall into utter despair and fear.

I think it is important to take one moment at a time. Sometimes day by day, sometimes hour by hour and at other times breath but breath.

Some days having a shower is an achievement another day I am an animal sorting papers etc - actually both of those are things to be equally proud of.

I hope you find posting helps whether you want to post about how you feel, tell us about your mum or just want to take about the weather - whatever! Just having a sense of connection with others who understand helps

Wishing you a peaceful night :cherry_blossom:

Best, Beki