I miss mom

Hi all,
I’m going through a particularly rough time right now, I’ve had to endure the abuse from my dad all year, I’ve reported him to the police for it, but all they do is give you a crime number, & just say report it whenever there’s a problem, there are arguments & issues with the house, & all this stress is badly affecting my health :pensive::sob:. I wish mom was here, I feel so alone, I feel trapped. I hate this house, I swear it’s cursed, I just want out of it, & yet I’ll be left on my own again tomorrow, & the next day, the whole time wishing I could be somewhere else, anywhere but here. My dad’s been doing this all year, stressing me out, leaving me in a bad mental state, & then just abandoning me to deal with it all on my own :pensive::sob: this never would of happened if mom was alive, mom would of looked after me, she would of gave me hugs, she would of helped me find somewhere else to live.
Looking back, I realise just how much she’s protected me in the past.
When mom was in her final months, dad was drinking all the time, & even screwed up her medication, which caused her to have fits, I should of protected her, I should of got her out so she could die in peace, he didn’t look after her right, he didn’t treat her well, he was always drunk & yelling at her, no-one should ever have to die like that :sob::sob::sob:.


Hi @Pandaprincess ,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,

Hi Pandaprinces
I am so sorry about your mum. I can tell from your post how close to her you were. I am sure you did everything you could have done for your mum so please don’t feel guilty.Your mum would have known that too.
Have you thought about finding a place of your own so the pressures of living with your dad would be resolved ?
You have to think of yourself now and do what’s best for you. Have you anyone to turn to for help?
Thinking of you

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Hi @Pandaprincess
I am so sorry to hear about your mum and what you are going through. I am sure she knew you did everything you could. Don’t feel guilt, i know, easier said then done.
Have you thought of contscting one of the domestic abuse services for help & the housing, reporting that you are going through this. They have dedicated sections/officers in housing to help with rehousing.
I’ve been there, so i know.
Please reach out further than the police.
I hope these suggestions help.
Look after yourself, take care. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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@Pandaprincess so sorry to hear you are having such a rough time of it. Can you try and free yourself of this home situation and move out? Could you go and stay with a friend or find somewhere else to rent? Your mental health needs protecting and it doesn’t sound like you can do that in your current living situation. Sending virtual hugs abd strength.

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