I need help on how to do this

Dear reader

I’ve joined this to find an answer I keep being told there isn’t one but I beg of you this pain is unbearable…

It’s just me and mum , no other family just us we love eachother so so much she’s been given little of few months they said for her to live as the cancer has progressed and there is nothing else we can do
I can’t bare this pain losing my mum and the thought of being without her I cannot imagine
I do not have kids or anything to live for

I just want someone to tell me how to do this but nobody can
I’m hoping someone can tell me they know how I feel or can guide me on how to do this
Will it really get easier I can’t be without her I’ve known nothing else

Please :sob:

I’ve just signed up so bare with me if you reply or comment and I thank you in advance for your help !!

Bless you
And I’m sorry for your pain aswel


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Just wanted to let you know that no-one can tell you how to do deal with it but do it in your own way, try talking to your doctor how you feel.

I understand, i lost my beloved husband on 23rd November to cancer, we only had 4 weeks from the diagnosis, 13th November we were told there was nothing they could do and he was too weak for chemo. He was moved to a hospice on the 19th November and passed away 23rd.
We were together 22 years.

If you need to talk i understand what you are going through.

Poppet ,

Thank you for replying to me it’s so unbelievably painful I just don’t know how I’ll do this , we are all well have and I’m going to be in this world with no mum I can’t bare the thought

I am truly sorry about your husband sweetheart my goodness!
Truly incredibly painful
Stupid question to ask, but How are you doing?

Thank you for your message and I’m here to talk to too


I tell family and friends im ok, but truthfully i feel like im drowning and theres no lifeboat, i struggling without him and my heart is broken. I miss him everyday. I just want him back.

He had just celebrated his 50th birthday in June and our 22nd wedding anniversary in October .