I thought I was ok

As I said I thought I was ok…but grief literally pounces out of nowhere. I keep thinking it’s been ages since mum died but it’s only been 5 months. These last two days, I’ve felt awful, numb and feel like a piece of me is missing and anytime I go to try and talk about it, I cry. I just want her back. I celebrated my birthday a week ago and it feels strange as she doted on me on my birthday and I loved all the little things she said and did. And I think it just caught up to me. Another thing is I don’t think the one person who I want to I understand does and that’s my husband.


I’m sorry to hear about your mum, @Jellybean86. 5 months is no time at all, and it being your birthday recently it’s totally understandable that you would be feeling it harder right now.

I’m sure someone will be along to share their thoughts - you are not alone.

:+1:Hi. I lost my mum too and yes it’s so unbearable. I’ve now recently lost dad too who was my life. I can’t even think about Christmas. But yes my husband doesn’t get it either. Sadly women lose out as men tend to be useless with this kind of thing. I’m here if you want to ever share. I will get it.

Hi @Jellybean86
I can totally relate to what you are saying. For me its been 7 months since my mum died, and it was so sudden and unexpected i just cannot seem to move forward. I did all the practical stuff at the start to get through it and deal with jer house and all her stuff. But now its hit me so hard again, i dont really undertand. But everyone says much the same on here about loosing a parent and it just seems that the sadness does not leave you