I’ve lost my dad

I’ve recently lost my dad to cancer, he passed away at his home on the 2nd of March 2021… I’d moved in with my mum to help look after him as is was to much for her… but after 2 weeks my kids was missing me and my mum said go home 2 days later he had passed away and I can’t forgive myself I should of stayed!! I’ve been numb ever since kissing him goodbye that morning

Dear Vicki,

Please do forgive yourself as I am sure that is what your dad would have wanted you to do. From experience I know that it is impossible to be in two places at once. and that at times we have to choose between the needs of our children and the needs of our parents. I had to make those choices when first my dad and later my mum were at the end of their lives. Love pulled me in two directions so I can understand how you feel. You could not have known that your dad would pass 2 days after you left, but you were there for 2 weeks when they needed you the most and they must have really appreciated that. It is still early days for you and for your mum. I hope that you are able to support each other in your grief. Take care,