I’ve lost the love of my life

My name is Jean. My husband went out on 22-07-20 on his motorbike and he never came home. He was only 48. A van pulled out and he went into the side of it. There is still an investigation going on. The inquest is in may. I’m lost and broken. Martin was my life. Our love story wasn’t finished. What am I suppose to do now. I have only left my house 3 times since Feb 2020. One of those was Martin’s funeral. I’m disabled and Martin was my carer. I just want him home. I miss his hugs. His singing. His laugh. I miss everything about him. Thankyou for reading xx

Hello Jean very sorry for for loss life is so cruel. Lockdown does not help. Hard waiting for investigations, I’m awaiting an investigation different circumstances to yours we go through enough without all this hanging over our heads. A year for my husband it’s a very hard journey like to say they are our life.
Take care xx

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Dear Angel6872

I read your post and wept. I know the pain that you are going through and I wish so much that you were not in this position. My husband lost his life in a motorbike accident in September. We spoke on the phone 3 hours before hand - laughing and joking - and then he also never came home. The police answered his mobile when I tried contacting him to see if he was on his way to see our little grandson. The inquest date still not set.

My husband had given up work April 2019, had his 60th birthday in first lockdown and we had agreed I should retire at Xmas 2020. We made plans, we had our first little grandson. We had been together 42 years and like you I do not know what I am supposed to do now.

I will be thinking of you constantly and hope that you have support from friends and family.
