I want my baby back

I lost my 14month old little boy on Boxing Day. I am full with Anger and am struggling to not be an emotional wreck every minute of the day.
My son was in the care of 5 adult relatives. My partner his parents and his sister and husband. I woke up to blue flashing lights and my baby boy drowned in our own swimming pool and our two older children witnessing his body being removed from the pool.

I know no one wouldn’t want this. But why was he not being watched. Why was the door not locked as it always was. He was 14months old and I thought he was safe with his family.

I am so sorry to hear about your loss and the tragic circumstances. I imagine there will be a full investigation into how the death happened. Can you get counselling for yourself? Your older children may also be needing therapeutic support after witnessing the aftermath of this tragedy. Do you have other family members or friends that can support you? It is a very tragic case. Do you know about The Compassionate Friends? They provide support for parents who have lost a child. Thinking of you. xx