I wish...

I wish i could swap places now with my sister, she would be healthy, happy and here.

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Thank you bluebell

I wish i could swap places now with my sister, she would be healthy, happy and here.
Come back home sister , i waiting for you.

Wish I could do the same - but I guess we have to live with them inside of us now

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Hi rozza ,
Thank you for your reply to me. I am starting to receive messages from my sister. Have had 3 for myself, and 1 was for my mum and me while at mums 3 days after sister passed. I do and always have believed in that we are born and come to earth with an intention , not just to arrive and live our lives.
Take care , hugs

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how beautiful for you, I hope that made you feel a bit more at peace. When you say receive messages what do you mean?

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Hi rozza,
Receiving messages could be many different ways, Sometimes may not realise it has been sent , given.
Suddenly sometimes things will going missing, maybe something silly like your fav tea cup, a sock, anything really. One moment you will put something down, leave the room or turn your back, then when you look it has disappeared. (loved ones like to play games to let you they are near).
Electrics, they will play with anything electrical, lights, smoke alarms will go off even tho there is not logical explanation for it.
Loved ones can send you messages into your head, call it intution it is the same thing, a sudden urge to do something you know you need to do.
My nephew dreamed about an event that happened before it actually happened,.
Today in one of my posts, i needed to thank my sister for her message she sent to me yesterday morning
( If you or anyone do receive or think maybe you have received a message or a sign your loved one has gave you, it is always important to give thanks, as it does take a lot of effort for loved ones to send.
You see , your loved ones are looking for acceptance that you are allowing and wishing them to send give you messages and signs. so always always say "Thank you for sending your message (you can say your loved ones name) and tell them you have received it, also let them know they are welcome to contact you again (you give permission) then end by , missing you and give love.
Take care , best wishes.

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Thanks for taking the time to reply. Duly noted to say thank you if I do receive anything. Thanks again xx

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Hi rozza,
You are very welcome.
Wish you all the best. i am happy to help and comfort you.
Hugs, xx

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