I would just like to talk to someone about how I feel

It nice to talk to someone who experienced loss before


Hi. Sorry for your loss

On this forum we have all experienced loss and we all understand .
You can say what you like, rant if you want. No one is going to judge you. Just support you
There’s always someone here to listen.

Hope that helps x


Thank you it does I do feel like screaming sometimes that help thank you for your reply

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I cry a lot. I talk to him a lot. I tell him of sometimes. And I scream inside.
Its all normal apparently

Big hugs to you x


Hi AngelaJane,
Thanks for your post. We are all here to support each other. My partner passed away at the end of January,


If you feel like screaming …scream don’t supress it.
If you are worried about neighbours hearing etc just put on the TV a little louder or the radio. I believe the word for it is Keening, other cultures do this a lot and I do think it helps me, it is a release.

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I like that … gonna try it ! But i will defo have to turn up the t.v. !! Or my neighbours will freak out !! Keening … mmmm xxx

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I have screamed and broken some ornaments through frustration of not ever getting closure on my situation of lies. But i can tell you this, it doesnt really help to make you feel any better. Nothing does at my stage of grief. I think only time can help us live with it, in the end. :disappointed_relieved: x


Worth a shot though … on those bad days ! I heard counsellors recommend it !! Im probably bit further on than you ? Still feels so sad some days but im trying to handle it … best i can … x

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Yes, whatever makes you feel better. Can give it a go and see if it helps you. X

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Indeed … x

Yeah i’m 8 weeks and mine is complicated by lies as well. Which is making it so hard to come to terms with it all. I’m in shock over the sudden death of my husband and now having to deal with lies. I feel like i’m drowning in it all ,most days . No support from doctors and just left to deal with it on my own. :cry: