Ian's Skydive...

Hi all,

Some of you may remember Ian from way back. For those of you who do, I wanted to share a recent newspaper article. You may recall Ian saying how he was going to do a tandem skydive in Jayne’s memory, well he’s done it and raised money for charity in the process. Well done Ian. :+1:


Thank you, I do remember him & often wondered how he was getting on as his bereavement was so close in date to mi d.

I’m so pleased that he was able to fulfil thus challenge :clap:

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Well done Ian, Jayne will be so proud of you :clap::clap::clap:

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Well done Ian from everyone here on the Community.


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I remember Ian…loved to see the pictures of Jayne’s much beloved cuddlies taking pride of place. Sending congratulations and may your soulmate stay forever in your heart :heart: x

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