Ideas for dealing with grief

Awwwww, I’m glad she’s home :yellow_heart:.


Just wonderful that she’s back home and coping well. Pet her extra for all of us and hugs to you. :heart:


Hi all. I joined Grief Support on Facebook, its Julia Salomon’s one and it looks good. They do free webinars but also have app(sadly you have to pay for that one).
Anyway, one lady there made a hug cushion out of her daughter’s dressing gown. I thought it was a lovely idea and plan to make something out of my mum’s jumpers. Anyone else thinking of doing sth similar?

I thought of doing something similar, it’s a bear but I couldn’t think of doing it at the moment when my grief is still raw because I find it hard to think of my mam’s clothes being cut up. I do like the idea though, maybe something I’d work up to xx

Yes I’m planning on getting teddies and / or hug cushions made from my Dad’s clothes. I can’t do it yet, too raw, but I think in future I’ll really benefit.

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I bet you’re so happy to have her home and even more when the cone comes off, I hate it when they bump into things and struggle to eat, and yet they get used to it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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She’s eating more than she did before, she’s always been a messy eater but now it all gets stuck on the cone. Hopefully she will get rid of the cone the end of this week. Thanks x


Wonderful news. :heart:

I just choose stuck in a moment by U2 at the moment, went into Tesco today and just wanted to cry at all the Mothers day cards. I’ve been doing a journal but it helps abit. But the music i understand as it helps distract or to just reflect. My thoughts are up and down at the moment.xx

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@Kaz79 I’ve been writing a journal too, it helps me though I cry when I do it. I understand what you are saying. I’m up and down. One thing I noticed, its easier when I keep myself busy. So I do a lot if walking. It always clears my head. And I see some friends, but only few trusted ones as I’m not ready to jump back into socialising. xx