If only Heaven Had A Phone (Poem)

Hi Derv
Thank you for your reply
All the best for now

Thank you for the Beautiful Poem :pray:t5::latin_cross::kissing_heart::disappointed_relieved:
Prayers and fond Memories are what we have to Remember Our Dearly Departed.My most heartfelt Condolences.

My Brother passed away on 16th April 2020
During the Covid i think of him every
Friday. Please take care
God Bless

Thank you Soniayv55.
Sorry for the loss of your beloved Brother.
Time doesn’t appear to heal does it, and trying to accept the loss of a loved one doesn’t get any easier?
Take care and stay strong.

Thankyou for sharing this poem
If only heaven had a phone
I cant comprehend I’ll never speak to my gentle caring Soulmate my hopes and dreams have been stolen from us in the most cruellest harrowing manner I’ll never comprehend it
Im so so sorry for all of your horrendous losses too
In my thoughts take care stay safe