
If I knew then what I know now …
I would have been braver and taken her sooner so her suffering was less and mine died with her, I would not have let her go alone.

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Hello @MoBe,

I’m sorry to hear this. I’m hearing how painful this is all feeling and I want you to know that you’re not alone. There’s always someone out there to help you.

It sounds like you’re looking for support and I’m glad that you’ve been able to talk about how you’re feeling here. I’m sure other members will be along to offer their support, but I also wanted to share some resources with you.

Shout are contactable by text, 24/7. You can text REMEDY to 85258 and talk to them about anything.

The Compassionate Friends support families who have lost a child of any age. You can call them on 0345 123 2304.

Sue Ryder offers an online bereavement counselling service. This is a free service and sessions are held via video chat so you can attend from home. There’s more information about this service here: sueryder.org/counselling.

You can also make an appointment with your GP and ask to be referred to counselling or other support services in your area.

There is lots of other support out there, and I would really encourage you to reach out and speak to someone about how you are feeling.

You deserve care and support so please, MoBe, get in touch with one of these services.

Take good care,

Sue Ryder Online Community team

Mine, I can feel your pain coming through from what you have written. There are no words which will ease your pain, and if I remember correctly it’s coming up to the first anniversary. A very difficult time as I have done all the first. Do you still go to the coffee shop, I hope you do. Keep messaging and take care xx