Illness and loss

I am finding things quite overwhelming at the moment.
A good friend of mine has been diagnosed with cancer lately, and lives 4 hours away so I feel helpless. I have also just lost my beautiful grandad due to a stroke.
Everything feels a bit of a struggle right now

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Hello @Kaz76,

I can see that you’re new to the community, so I wanted to say that I am so sorry for the loss of your grandad and the recent diagnosis your friend has received that brings you here.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that may help right now.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,


Hi @Kaz76
It sounds like you have a lot to cope with right now, sending hugs of support.

Thank you
Your support helps x