I'm a bit ill miss his hugs

7 weeks have gone by , I have been run down and managed to get a bit poorly because low immune and I haven’t eaten well. Today I was sobbing, he used to look after me so much if I was a little poorly and always accompany me to places like Drs and pharmacy. Of course I can do it on my own , but he was always there and I would reach out for his hand . God in Heaven tell him I love him please :pleading_face:


Hi @Maz5

I understand how you feel. I haven’t been unwell since Roger died but I do dread it if I am, because like you he always looked after me. Even if it was just a cold, he would be there for me.
The other day I had a painful shoulder and had to use votarol, I was crying, not from pain but because he would have rubbed it in for me. Now I have to do it myself.

Its a truly awful journey were on.
I just hope it gets easier with time

Love and hugs x

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Thank you :heart:

So very sorry.

I understand.

My husband was the same.

One friend said he was very protective of me and another that he was devoted to me.
I hope he felt I was the same for him.

We have lost such wonderful men.

Sending love and hugs xx

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I know just how you feel. I had to have a biopsy on my face a month after my husband died, he would always be with me as i would him. I bought an ashes necklace and wore it, and just a tiny part of him was with me, but i was so sad as it was in the hospital my husband died. It bought back all the memories. Thank goodness the results were negative.