I'm driving myself insane.

Martju my partner believed there was an afterlife and she always said to prove it is she passed 1st she would whisper in my ear a little phrase that i know has come from her… well 8 nearly 9 weeks inband im still waiting. Tbh i would love nothing more than a visit from her in what ever shape or form


In 2017, I had a cardiac arrest, my wife wasn’t sure how long it had been before she found me but it took her four minutes to resuscitate me. For four minutes I was without breath or a pulse, so technically dead. My wife, then age 72, was a retired nurse, so I wasn’t her first but only 8% of people survive a cardiac arrest at home, rather worryingly, only 12% survive one in hospital.
She saved my life.
It was just as if someone had turned the light off, one minute I was suffering what seemed like mild indigestion whilst watching Ben Fogle on television, the next I was awake, lying on the floor, looking up at my wife, my adult son and three paramedics. Twenty minutes separated the two events.
During those initial four and further sixteen minutes, there was no sensation at all. None. A dreamless sleep
In 2021 I had a seizure following an Astra Zeneca Covid jab, I was unconscious for four days with a DNR on my notes, again, apart from a brief period as I came around where I was hallucinating, there was no sensation that I could recall during those four days. Again, a dreamless sleep.
The hallucinations by contrast remain very vivid.
If death is like either of my two experiences…, well, you must draw your own conclusions.
As to religious beliefs; I was raised in the Anglican Church but have an open mind.
Worldwide, people worship something like 3000 different gods, so I’m wary of believing mine’s the only true one.
Some of those religions share common beliefs regarding an afterlife, some radically different.
Have faith in whatever gives you comfort.
My regret?
My wife saved my life twice but I could do nothing to save hers and neither could the NHS, although, the less said about their efforts, perhaps the better.
I wish you all solace in this road we travel together.


It takes time sometimes , I’ve read alit of books lately , they can’t get through if you’re angry , or so so full of grief when you think of them . Go to a happy place with them , don’t look too hard that was my mistake xxx


Sorry for the loss of you wife.
To be honest that’s how I think about death now, that it’s just like someone turning out the lights forever :broken_heart:
I’m also sceptical about NDE’s because we all know what we’re supposed to see during one that it would be very easy to dream, hallucinate or just make it up. I read something interesting the other day, an emergency room put some numbers on top of the light fittings above the operating table that could only be seen from above and none of the people who claimed to have had a NDE and found themselves looking down on what was going on could tell anyone what numbers were above the lights. Is it all just in our imaginations because it’s what we expect to happen?

As sceptical as I am I’ve contacted my local spiritualist church to see about getting a reading done, they are going to get back to me with a date for a one to one reading. It’s worth a try and who knows…


I believe that my husband and I will be reunited one day. I feel his presence all the time.
it is my faith and belief. Does it bring me some peace, yes it does. My beloved husband dies 8 mos ago. We were married 52 yrs and together for 57. No children. I believe love between 2 people that is so entwined it cannot be separated. Do I agonize over his death, of course I do. It has been devastating. I know he is with me and guides me. I have been and am blessed.
Peace and love, Karen.


@Karetired , I have the same belief Karen, the love my husband and I shared was unconditional and intertwined. Whilst he was alive there were so many things that connected us spiritually, on one occasion he flew to Seattle on business, and he wasn’t sure of the hotel he was staying in until he arrived as it was pre-booked by the company. This was before mobile phones was common. At 2am I woke and knew I had to call him but I didn’t know where he was staying. I asked the operator the names of hotels in Seattle and there were so many. She started giving me the list and I just knew when she reeled off the names which one it was. I called the hotel and asked for my husband’s room number and the receptionist said he has just checked in I’ll put you through. My husband answered and said I was just going to call you to say I have arrived how did you know where I was staying. There were so many other occasions like this, so I know our love is spiritual and cannot be ever separated. We are one together and will always will be. With love xx


Recently found out the whole belief in spiritualism comes from the Fox sisters in the 1800’s and they admitted years later that it was all a hoax. Made me feel rather depressed tbh :pensive: