Im lost

I’m new to this group so hello.
3 weeks ago I lost my world, my soulmate and I’m lost.
She was my world, my everything. Tomorrow is the day of her cremation and I don’t know how I’m going to cope. She was my world for 13 years.


@Swampy hi so sorry for your loss. I’m sure you will cope tomorrow, it is the last thing you can do for your partner ,you will find an inner strength to help you through the day. Keep posting on here, you will get a lot of support from kind people who know how it feels. 21 months since my husband died, I’m sorry to say it hasn’t got any better for me , but with support on this site ,it has helped me a great deal . Xtake carex


@Swampy I’m sorry for your loss. 3 weeks is such early days. I lost my partner unexpectedly 21 weeks ago and can’t believe I have coped this long without him. This journey none of us want to be on is not easy but you will cope.

The best way I have found to cope is just to focus on one day at a time, hour by hour if you need to, to get through the day. Don’t think too far ahead as that is too painful.

You have already coped for 3 weeks without her, and tomorrow you will also cope and you will do her proud.

I have found this forum a lifesaver and I hope you do too.


Mebtoo it has been 3 weeks dince my husband of 35 years passed suddenly at home. The shock was intense then came thebpain snd heartache. Never felt so alone. Next week will be his funeral snd trying to stay strong to get hrough the day but not sure I will need to find strength fro. somewhere not spoken to snyone today so the day snd night seem to merge together.
I know 3 weeks is early days but at this moment it feels like a nightmare that never ends.
Take care


@Swampy @Galaxy75
Sending you both lots of strength and love for the forthcoming days ahead.
Keep on posting and reaching out on this forum and as others have said, we are all here to help and support you.
Hugs xx