I'm lost!

I thought I would be getting better by now, but I feel worse both emotionally and physically. I’m so tired of fighting this.

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I, too, feel stuck. I’m glad it’s raining because it suits my mood and it’s an excuse to stay in and do nothing.
I can’t think of anything that would make me happy any more and there’s nothing to look forward to.
I don’t know what the answer is, sorry.


Hang in there ,grieving takes time ,i lost my husband January this year,try and take day at a time ,i find this helps me ,i understand you are are tired of fighting your pain and grief but promise you it will get better with time.Go easy on yourself


Thank you lucycat. Mine died Jan 2023 which is why I thought that I would be feeling better. But this second year seems worse and I’m in a constant state of stress and anxiety and well as very frequent bouts of tears.
I hope that you have all the support that you need in these early stages.

I suspect that there isn’t really a secret, just patience. I have my daughter living with me and if she wasn’t here I suspect that I wouldn’t get out of bed sometimes. I hope things improve for you very soon.

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