Im lost

8 weeks since losing my wife who was only 54, i gave up work 16months ago to care for her after she lost her mobility due to the cancer. I feel angry with myself that i didnt get to say goodbye to her properly, the last year I cared for her 24/7 making sure she was comfortable and trying to help her do the things she loved to do, the last few months before her passing were so busy with carers, nurses and doctors always at the house and i was so busy dealing with them and all her relatives and friends, i feel i didnt get to talk to her, i told her i loved her everyday and would hold her hand at night, so i hope she knew i was there. Now i just have this massive hole thst i just cant see will ever be filled.


So very sorry.

I am sure she knew



I am sure she knew you were there, and would have known how much you loved her.
I never said goodbye either, well I did but he was in an induced coma. But I told him I loved him and said goodbye.
Yes, there will always be a hole in our hearts, but I hope that eventually the pain will ease and we can honour our memories and continuing love by leading a good life.
It is 7 weeks for me, so, like you, I am staggering along.


I’m so sorry that you lost your wife to such a horrible disease. I also lost my husband aged 56 to cancer in March and know this will be such a difficult time for you.
Just take a day at time. She would know how much you loved her as you were there for her every day and cared for her. Somethings just don’t need to be spoken.
My husbands cancer took his voice and so he struggled at the end to say what he wanted to , but there was no need. I completely understood what he wanted to say and what his fears were.
Doesn’t make it any easier though.
Take care of yourself and please don’t give yourself a hard time for no reason.
We all try to do the best we can in the most difficult of situations. Xx