Im not coping

I lost my granda 29th jan this year…we were so close… he was like my dad… i got a phone call at 5am on 18th jan from my nan saying my granda had collapsed and shed called an ambulance… i got there as soon as i could and he was taken to hospital via ambulance… in the end we found out he had a bad stroke… he was 87 soon to be 88! He was a leap year baby… he lost his speech, he couldn eat, but he tried both… i spent almost every day/night at the hospital with him… one night it was just me n him n he was trying to talk… i made out tht he said “i think im gona die” :cry: and he did… i miss him so much… trying to be so strong for my family but i just miss him so much… i wish id asked him more… he was trying to tell me things n i couldn understand him! I feel broken! I have a husband n 4 children! I need to be strong but im really not! I try to be strong for my nan but its so hard!!! I struggle going to the house n him not being there! Im so lost :frowning: i know he was a gd age but i wasnt ready for him to leave… he was great for his age! I thought hed live forever :cry::cry::cry:
I told him … granda if u feel strong enough fight it… but if your tired thts ok… i promise u i will look after nan… please dnt hurt urself…… didni make him give up :’(

Hello @Natalielou,

I’m part of the Online Community team and I can see that you are new to the community - I’d like to thank you for bravely starting this thread and sharing your story with us. I’m so sorry to hear about your granda. Most community members have sadly experienced the death of a loved one and so will understand some of what you are going through.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support. In the meantime, you may wish to look at these Sue Ryder resources which might be helpful.

I really hope you find the community helpful and a good source of support and I also hope you feel you can access more support should you need it.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,

Hi. Just read your message and hear your thoughts. So sorry you lost your granda. Please try to smile because he lived and that you were both part of each others lives, that’s a privilege for you both. And that he was like a dad to you shows how close you were to each other and that’s special. I lost my Nan on 4th August who was totally my mum. I wish I could hear her now and have just one more chat (well actually lots more chats!) and it’s so hard knowing that it was 7 weeks ago today that I last heard her and 7 weeks ago tomorrow that I cuddled her whilst she died. The pain is intense and the missing is just as bad. We are lucky to have had them with us and I hope you too keep remembering the good times as I’m trying to do. But it is so painful and tricky emotions losing someone so special.

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Thank u for ur reply… im so sorry to hear about ur nan… ur right tho , we were so privileged to have them as part of our lives, and im so grateful they have left there mark on our lives… how lucky r we tho really? Ur words were very kind and comforting… thank u xxx

Loss of a grandparent is so much more difficult than I expected. I lost my step grandparents and grandad within a short period of one another and I have really not been able to greive properly

So sorry for your loss. Don’t feel you need to grieve a certain way, just feel what you feel and take it day by day. Thoughts with you.

I have found myself joining this community as I have felt so alone in my grieving and really wanted to reach out to those in a similar position to me. Thank you so much for starting this thread about losing a grandparent and thank you to others for the replies. Reading these have made me realise others are going through similar and that I am not alone.

I lost my Nan (pretty much my mum in closeness) on 26th October 2023. It was so unexpected as she fell and hit her head which caused a bleed to her brain. She died hours after her fall. I witnessed her deteriorate on that day but never got the chance to say goodbye to her. Now the death anniversary is coming up my grief is heavier than ever! I am finding it hard to sleep and eat. The smallest of stresses at work are also blown out of proportion by my extreme tearful reactions. I feel like I am carrying guilt as I wasn’t there to stop my Nan from falling and maybe if she didn’t fall she may not have died.

What is making my grief more complicated is that I lost my close friend in November 2023. She went into the hospice a week after my Nan died as cancer had taken over her body. I visited my friend every week at the hospice. She used the to cry and say she didn’t want to die. I felt helpless. I didn’t know how to help her. In contrast to my Nan I felt like I had said so many goodbyes to my friend but never knew which one to was going to be the last. She died a few days before Christmas Day as I was on my way to see her. I feel like I am experiencing two different types of grief which is exhausting and really getting me down.

Oh blimey, sounds like you are having a tough time. Sorry to hear of your losses and you are not alone or in grief although sure there are many times you feel alone. How very brave reaching out and telling your story. You have clearly been through a lot although what strength you show in pushing on, including working if sometimes that is in tears and even more strength now sharing how you are feeling especially when close to reaching the year on point for your Nan’s passing. Thoughts with you.

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Thank you so much for your kind words. :blush: