Im so sad

I lost my dad very quickly to cancer in April 23. He wanted to be at home and i slept the last 2 nights on his bedroom floor whilst mum slept in a chair. I saw some awful painful moments of cancer. I feel let down by the hospital who didn’t put a care plan in place. We didn’t expect my dad to go that quickly.
I just feel so sad and down. I cry lots. I relive all the moments from when he was diagnosed to him passing. I relive parts of my childhood and long for them back. I feel like i torture myself with thoughts and sad song’s and poems and i cant stop. I just dont know where this pain and sadness ends.
I suppport my mum, i do all her paperwork and take her shopping and i feel so sorry for her.
I feel like i drag my husband and children (20 and 23) down. I dont want to go anywhere or do anything.


Hello, my Dad also died from Cancer on October 19th 2023. I too saw some horrific things, he was in pain and confused and I was there when he died. I have 2 children, 19 and 17 but also feel like you that I just cant do anything. Christmas was extremely difficult. I also spend most of my time supporting my mum, my relationship with my partner is suffering greatly as Ive lost all desire for any intimacy and feel Im pushing him away. I wish I could offer you some advice, but I just wantec to say you are not alone. X


Thankyou. Its s hard isnt it? Christmas and New Year was hard, knowing that someone was missing. I feel so alone and that the people closest to me dont realise how bad im hurting. My heart is broken.


I lost my father also to Cancer, 20th December 2023, i saw the pain it brought upon my poor dad and relive them moments, and want my childhood back. I have 2 sons, and each day is different with the grieving process. Your dad, im sure would want you to continue living your life with your family, the best you can. Take each day at a time, and be kind to yourself.


Yes, it is the worst pain. Ive often wondered how I can go on, this is perhaps not the place to discuss this but I feel my Dad has visited me and he would not want me to suffer. I know it is extremely hard but please try and remember that. The best way we can honour the dead is by living. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Xxx