In a dark 🌑 hole I am lost

Really is one minute at a time for me at the moment , mind keeps trying to make me think about potentially many years left without my wife , trying so hard to just think about the here and now ……


I am the same - keep thinking about the future when my kids move out, when the dog dies etc… when I will be on my own completely and how will I manage to cope then.
My friend who is also a young widow did share that I will be in a different place by then and I do hope that’s true. Also trying just to be in the moment and focus on the days challenges rather than thinking ahead.
Which is hard as I am always planning holidays, trips, visits with the family etc
Miss being able to do that now. :disappointed:


Yes very difficult to deal with the mindset of loss

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@Debs5 it’s all building up the horrible time last year . I am so glad we are off to Tenerife on Wednesday. . It’s so hard without my soulmate . It’s hard for us all xx

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Enjoy your holiday and at least you can get away.

Have fun

Lots of love :heartpulse:

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@lonlydel thank you so much . Love to you xx

I am at a complete loss I am in shock at the trauma of losing my husband so suddenly exactly 1 week ago. He was only 47 and we had been married 27 years he was so fit and was training to do his second charity cycle from London to Paris and had a heart attack that caused a cardiac arrest whilst he was out cycling. I don’t know what to do I can’t eat I can’t sleep and it hurts just to breathe I can’t stop sobbing and I am totally lost

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Oh @ShazzaC, I am so sorry you find yourself here on this group where none of us want to be.
I also lost my husband recently who was 56 and really fit, but got diagnosed with a rare aggressive form of cancer for which there was no treatment or cure.
Just try and take a breath and just let the tears come.
We all feel your pain here - and know how difficult it is - perhaps you will find some comfort in knowing you are not alone. I know I do, and it helps just a little.

Keep posting - there are lots of us here for you to lean on.

Sending hugs xx


Thank you so so much I can’t believe this page popped up on my Facebook right at the time I need it. Chris was so so fit and healthy he cycled from London to Paris in 2022 and this was his first outdoor cycle back in his training regime for this years cycle. I am utterly broken I just don’t know how to live without him but I know I have to as we have a 22 year old son and a wee grandson who is nearly 3 but I just can’t see a way forward from this pain

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It is so hard, especially as the reality starts to take hold.
I have 4 kids, the youngest is 16 and still at home and I have to try keep going for her, as well as my other 3 who are too young to have to feel this pain also.
I try to just take things a day at a time. I am starting to function a bit better some days but just getting through the day is good enough at the moment.
I don’t have any answers as to how to live without our loved one, but I keep searching for someone to tell me how to.
Be kind to yourself and keep posting on here for support xx


@ShazzaC I’m so sorry for you . It’s such an horrendous situation to deal with . It’s such a terrible shock . One day life is fine and then you are in a pit of despair. I Hope talking on here helps you my love . Many of us have this sudden loss . It a year for me today and I am