In a dark 🌑 hole I am lost

Hi how are you feeling today, thanks for dropping in to say hello. I lost my partner :broken_heart::sob: she just left me and became a angel :innocent:. I am so heartbroken :broken_heart: I feel there’s nothing for me, I do not know how I will survive a other day but I must as my children need me. I am so lost so lonely so alone it’s difficult to explain but I feel empty. Thanks again for dropping in to chat.


So sorry @lonlydel the feeling of loss of your partner is monumental. You are so lost and long to be with them so much the pain is unbearable. It is a loss you never get over but the feelings are easier to live with after several months. Take each day as it comes and reach out for all the help you can get


I know how you feel , I lost my wife 7 weeks ago and the only reason I’m still here is the kids (23&18 so adult now ) , every part of me wants to just go with my wife but just can’t put them through any more devastation.
Nothing gives me any pleasure anymore , used to love going to the football with my son ( 23 but taken him since he was 4 ) we won the league this season but even that just had me feeling empty , the gym ( not been since she passed and can’t bring myself to go ) , haven’t even watched any tv apart from Netflix which my daughter insists we watch box sets together on . Kids have been great , certainly taking losing their mum better than I am , I just want this pain to ease up a little bit as i don’t know how much longer I can take it .


7 weeks ago for me too. My youngest has gone into school to do her first Nat 5 exam this morning and so far I haven’t even managed to get in the shower.
I know I’ve been holding it together for my kids, but 3 of them are back at work/uni now and I feel so alone in my house without my husband.
I wonder how I can get through the next hour let alone the next decades and really have no purpose or direction. Have lost all my confidence and get anxious at simple things that would never have bothered me before. It truly is awful how we are all feeling and the only thing that keeps me going is to try listen to others who tell me it does get easier.
Sending you love and strength- and the belief that you are not alone. Xx


Hi I relate to what you have said. Take care.x

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Sending a big hug x

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I know what you mean , it’s hour by hour for me as well , can’t even begin to think about decades as I know that will push me over the edge .
My daughter who is 18 was supposed to be doing her a levels this year and going to uni in September, as my wife was referred for post mortem and so we weren’t able to have the funeral until 2 weeks ago her head was not there to revise ( and had missed weeks of college) so she’s had to postpone her exams and do them next year. This shit situation just affects everything on top of the pain caused by the grief :cry:


Can’t bear to think of the years ahead.
We all had different ideas and dreams for those years.
A day, or even an hour, at a time is what works for me at the moment.
I understand and you are in my thoughts x


It’s a horrible situation. Life is so so hard and painful at times. Good to hear from all of you with similar things going on. At least we are not all alone. We feel alone and feel lost. Thanks for your messages.

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Terrible this nightmare we’re all in Im niw now 4months on this terrible journey losingbmy husband suddenly 2 days before Christmas Some days i think im doing good and proud of myself then bang tears start coming which want stop and feel so lonely dreading having to think about next 10 20 yrs without him After being together for 40 yrs meeting at 15 Horrible life is now So cruel


Yes, very cruel.

It makes no sense.

Sending you a big hug x

We are all here for you and understand x

So far I have had only one episode of anger, probably a better word is rage.

Today I am experiencing the second.

I am angry that such a lovely kind man who was my everything had his life taken
from him. He did not deserve it.

Yes I feel like that, she passed away and was young.

Tuff very tuff

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Thankyou RoseGarden for kind words Truthfully astime is going on im having every kind of emotion Thinking things i never thought I would Craziness goes on in this head and can never stop it Its so exhausting replying that cruel night and now having to try our best to deal with this new life that we dont want without them here Luckily i have a son who is staying with me and my wee dog ( who really misses her daddy too ) :heart:

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There is no pain like this loss we all have. Life is tuff. Life is hard.

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The last month’s have been so hard, so difficult every day is tuff just to get to the end of each day.

Just can’t believe I am alone.

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That is so difficult to deal with, isn’t it?

It is something that still doesn’t seem real.

My mind can’t accept it even though I can’t see him or talk to him in person.

I am not far into this.

All I can do, is tell myself, do the best I can to get through the day.
Some days will be better than others.
I try to remember this when it is the most horrific day.

Also, it is true that we miss them and feel so alone without them because we loved them so much.

Although, the pain and loneliness are the major things in my life, our lives, we are both so so lucky to have known our loved ones and shared our love and lives.

Of course, it should have lasted so much longer.

For me it is a day at a time, sometimes an hour, or less, at a time.

Please carry on posting here. I hope that feeling you are among friends who totally understand will help.

Take care x

I know - it is hard to comprehend and not something that any of us want.
I feel the days get harder as I start to slowly realise that he won’t be coming back and this is how it will be for the rest of my life.
I try to remember that I feel this way because our love was so great and I pray that we will all find some hope in the coming days and weeks to get us through this horrendous time.
If others can do this then so can we.
Keep going - just a day at a time and I’ll try and do the same xx


Yes one day at a time one minute at a time, it’s so very hard to keep going.

Lots of love


Thanks for all your support and lovely comments.